
Get an Ohio DUI Dismissed | DUI Defense Lawyer | Jeremiah Denslow

Ohio Revised Code section 2901.13 sets forth the statute of limitations for all Ohio criminal and traffic offenses. The law states that prosecution for an Ohio DUI shall be barred unless it is commenced within the following periods after an offense is committed: (a) for a felony DUI, six years; (b) for a misdemeanor DUI, two years. That […]

Ohio DUI Defense Strategy | DUI Defense Lawyer | Jeremiah Denslow

In the majority of Ohio DUI cases, law enforcement personnel generally report all or a portion of the following indicators of impairment: Poor driving Odor of alcohol Slurred speech Red, watery eyes Poor coordination Admission of drinking Ohio police officers will universally use the aforementioned evidence to bolster their case that a driver is impaired […]

Ohio DUI Defense Strategy | DUI Defense Lawyer | Jeremiah Denslow

  I recently received a call from a DUI suspect who asked if an error in her traffic ticket would be legal grounds to get the case dismissed. I told her that it’s quite possible, however the error must typically be fairly significant to warrant a dismissal. While I’ve obtained a few juicy deals over the years based […]

Top DUI Defense Lawyers in Ohio | Defense Lawyer | Jeremiah Denslow

  Jeremiah Denslow was recently ranked as a TOP TEN DUI DEFENSE LAWYER in the state of Ohio by the attorney-review website  Jeremiah  practices OVI defense in all Ohio courts including Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus, Cleveland, Toledo and Akron. He has a particular skill set in cases involving college students who are charged with drinking and driving or similar alcohol-related offenses […]

Driving Privileges | Ohio DUI Suspension | DUI Defense Lawyer

Ohio drivers with DUI cases almost always face a driver’s license suspension. Sometimes the suspension starts at the commencement of the case and other times it doesn’t start until the conclusion of the case. The DUI suspension begins at the commencement of the case if the suspected DUI driver refuses to take a breath test […]

Challenge the License Suspension | Ohio DUI Lawyer | Jeremiah Denslow

When an Ohio driver is arrested for drinking and driving after a roadside DUI field investigation, the police officer handling the investigation will generally take the suspect to the police station for breath testing.  Once at the station, the police officer will first inform the suspect of the consequences for refusing to take the test.  If […]

DUI License Suspension | Ohio DUI Lawyer | Jeremiah Denslow

I get a lot of calls from potential new clients that have been cited with a DUI charge in the last 48-72 hours. The callers are generally seeking a top Ohio DUI defense lawyer to represent them in court. However, they’re also looking for immediate assistance in getting their license back. One might wonder how […]